Saturday 15 October 2011

Thailand Resorts Images & Descriptions 2011

 Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resort Image 2011
Thailand Resort Image 2011
 Thailand Resorts
One of the most popular resorts in Thailand is Thailand Ko Samui, But there are also a lot of other beautiful resorts in Thailand.
Thailand resorts Khao Lac
National Park Khao Lac is located 80 km north of Phuket on the mainland coast of Andaman Sea in Phang Nga province. This is a young resort, famous for its unspoiled natural beauty.There are mountains, waterfalls, and picturesque rocky coastline and endless, perfect white beaches. Khao Lak near to the Similan Islands are located – is the best place for diving.Khao Lac – a world of mangroves, diverse flora, vast hills covered with jungle and white sandy beaches.
Resorts in Thailand: Krabi
Close to the border with Malaysia, on the shores of the Indian Ocean, lies Crab – the most beautiful province in South Thailand – the country of 1000 islands, open great Sinbad – skipper brave and adventurous.Geography of Krabi becomes immediately clear, one has only to add that the island of Phuket, until recently, been a part of Krabi province, and famous Phi Phi Islands – is now part of Krabi.Krabi is famous rich history and once there lived one of the largest prehistoric communities, and later located one of 12 royal cities – Ban Thai itself. And the name of Krabi town originates from the word “sword”: according to legend, at the time of the bookmark from the land of the ancient sword appeared.In our time, Krabi has become a small provincial center, the atmosphere, which can be described in two words: “idyllic tranquility.” In recent years Krabi has been actively built up new hotels, restaurants and bars, but he still managed to preserve their virginal charm.
Resorts in Thailand: Chiang Koh
Koh Chang or Chang (in Thai “Koh” – the island) is considered the “ecological paradise” and is a favorite spot of local residents.The name of the island of Koh Chang means “elephant”, its length is 30 km in width and about 14 km, an area of 429 square meters. km – the second largest island in Thailand (after Phuket) is located just 8 kilometers from the coastline.The island is situated 300 km from Bangkok, is the largest of 47 islands scattered along the coast of Trat province.

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